Episode 262
New Years Eve Eve
December 30th, 2020
1 hr 40 mins 25 secs
About this Episode
- Has John really seen us as often as we've seen each other in the last year? Probably . . .
- Commercial marketing and 2020
- What did we all get from Masonic Santa Claus?
- Entered Apprentices are Freemasons . . . when can jurisdictions get back to consensus about that?
- Somehow we tangented to extraterrestrials--will the aliens come to welcome 2021 with us?
- If they do come they'll probably just eat us
- . . . and back to Christmas gifts
- New Year's Eve After Lodge -- what's on the bar?
- We make the rounds of everything else that's been happening
- Have a safe and Happy New Year Brothers!
- Leave us some comments below
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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