Episode 42
The Meaning of Life
October 20th, 2014
1 hr 15 mins 10 secs
About this Episode
- "Don't forget to bring a towel!"
- Jason and the Star
- Jason attempts to put Harlan on retainer
- Bruce steps up
- The Master orders Harlan to prepare dinner for lodge to keep his ego in check
- Harlan rides the Southeast Illuminati Tour
- Topics this week from: The "Moooooooove on" Whiteboard
- A Brother returns to lodge after some time
- New After Lodge broadcast method - edit your own copy!
- Masonic geezers, gone wild! (no, it's not as awesome as it sounds)
- Jason trolls Harlan in lodge, Harlan returns fire ten-fold
- Female cows . . . heifers or just girl cows?
- What Masonic customs really grind your gears?
- When is the best time for dinner during a degree night?
- How many candidates are too many at one time?
- The Grand Oreo 94th Degree Diabetes Conspiracy
- Should Entered Apprentices be admitted to business meetings?
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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