Episode 49
December 8th, 2014
1 hr 13 mins 37 secs
About this Episode
- Opening track: Beat the Devil's Tattoo by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
- Harlan and Compases and his wrongness (ALH: I would note here that /u/afterlodgejason can't even spell the word he insists is correct, left as-is to prove a point)
- Our new friend Matt joins us from Michigan
- Harlan demits from Freemasonry citing clandestine-ness
- Election night at our lodge
- Jason's dues card
- Harlan and Catholic weddings
- The Past Master's long-game troll worked after all
- Grand Lodges of Texas agree to intervisitation thanks to the After Lodge Podcast! You're welcome.
- Harlan is still wrong... cars that run on water?
- Having the Tiler inside the lodge room
- Should the Tiler be excused from voting?
- The crew talks about moving to Texas
- Harlan defends Bill Cosby (or as he claims: the rights of man to a trial by jury before conviction instead of mob rule)
- Masonic employment bureaus
- /u/JasonsWifeAmy expresses her anger over Jason's insensitive comments
- Inviting candidates vs. suggesting candidates - a distinction without a difference?
- The Masonic Roundtable hires Harlan to be their Andy Roonie
- Closing track: I Might be Wrong by Radiohead
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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