Episode 81
Foisting the Odious
July 19th, 2015
1 hr 25 mins 53 secs
About this Episode
- Ass. Producer Marshall re-joins us this week
- We discuss our respective weeks. Spoiler alert: same as always
- Harlan bills Bruce for legal advice, and embraces intentional racism
- E.A. upset because he'll have to miss Lodge for mogul functions
- A very nice lady expresses her concerns about Freemasonry being odiously foisted upon her social circle
- Producer Bruce takes an unimportant call mid-show . . . Shaggy break!
- Redditor thinks his grandfather may have been a Freemason . . . maybe
- Masonic funeral services as the only memorial service
- We discuss current events in another jurisdictions Grand Lodge in spite of having no clue
- Apparently, Jason failed in preventing Harlan from drinking the Grand Lodge Kool-aid
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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