Episode 101
The Big Reunion Show
December 7th, 2015
2 hrs 3 mins 57 secs
About this Episode
- It's a 100th episode reunion . . . on episode 101
- Big Matt takes a seat at the table
- Friend of the Show Jack brings treats - real Knickerbuddy bars! With free dues cards!
- Half-Sack joins us, with a trailer of Corporate Companies
- The crew helps Harlan get in the Christmas spirit - with Hanukkah gifts
- Ass. Producer Marshall speaks the unspeakable to Jason
- How to play with a Dreidel
- Harlan dances for joy and nobody had a video
- Canada Dry sends a congratulatory letter to the After Lodge Crew
- The Chaplain shows up in a Santa Clause suit (really!!)
- Truman shows up to share hugs and touches
- R.W. Landscaper Josh departs and Friend of the Show Jack produces a taser
- We offer a sincere apology to the M.W. Has-Been for his missing invite (It's all Worshipless Producer Bruce's fault)
- Dad jokes!
- We uncover our voice-mail box!
- Deacon Doug re-visits to discuss Obama, Muslims, gun-control, and the poor plight of the white man in 'murca
- You can decline an office nomination, but you can't decline the soap-sock beatings
- The Chaplain finally returns . . . wearing someone else's robes and discusses another mid-week show
- We have officially outlasted Glenn Beck!
- Jason acquires a witness to support the mustard-arm-hair account
- How the After Lodge podcast ended Freemasonry
- We reminisce about the past 101 weeks
- We thank Jazz, for doing Bruce's job
- Thanks again to all who listen, contribute, love, hate, or otherwise acknowledge that we exist!
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
- Find us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter @AfterLodge
- Join us on IRC: irc.quakenet.org #freemasonry