Episode 239
John Comes Back to Town (Part II)
February 17th, 2020
1 hr 54 mins 13 secs
About this Episode
- We're still going after the abrupt segue in Episode 238
- After Lodge Jason and Sir John are still with us - hours later
- John starts explaining why he lives up North and never in Florida
- Cars, motorcycles, the weather, and alcohol
- How John managed to sneak past Lodge security to crash our degree
- John desecrates a sacred jersey
- Re-visiting all the things that went wrong when we did this last year
- Spilled alcohol starts to make the audio equipment buzz in the end
- Thanks again to El Dorado Studios for hosting our gathering!
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
- Hang out with us on /r/AfterLodge
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- Join us on IRC: irc.snoonet.org #freemasonry