Episode 240
Father Silvia Returns
March 4th, 2020
1 hr 37 mins 41 secs
About this Episode
- Welcome to Episode 230-something!
- Fr. Tony Silvia returns after a few years to hang out with us again
- Harlan discovers that Father Tony isn't the Father Tony from Security Now
- What is the Rite of Memphis-Misraim - and who's working it these days?
- Fr. Silvia delivers some explanation on modern Memphis-Misraim practices
- Hand sanitizer is becoming a black market commodity?
- Other podcasts are more behind schedule than we are? Wow
- Some more in-depth looks at Silvia's Memphis-Misraim system
- Why Masonic "education" sucks, and how can we make it better?
- Thanks again to Fr. Tony Silvia for joining us again, be sure to check out his work at AnthonySilvia.com
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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