Episode 252
The Oracle and the Putz
September 9th, 2020
1 hr 55 mins 45 secs
About this Episode
- Still trying to figure out where our friends are amidst the social isolation
- Tony steals are fairs and runs off solo
- For some reason, we take some time to discuss how to get out of jail quickly
- Bruce gives an update on jury duty and Harlan gives some juror overview
- Harlan doubles down on his war with home spiders
- From spiders to the black bears . . . oh my!
- Music helps us see how we are getting older
- Scotty tries to join the York Rite, Harlan tries to fire him
- William Shakespeare -- the kid's version
- "Your wife is an oracle and you're a putz" . . . words to live by
- What are we going to do with 2021's officers?
- Some banter about holiday plans and hunting season
- Two hours later . . . our listeners are still here but we're maybe not
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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