Episode 285
Moving to Nunavut
October 6th, 2021
2 hrs 22 mins 58 secs
About this Episode
- Bruce fills in as Secretary, and Harlan will never miss Lodge again
- Boats and goats - Masonry on the farm
- Stones, stones, and pissing on some stones
- We experienced a better world without Facebook . . . for a few hours
- Harlan preaches the virtues of ditching Facebook for the 1,000th time
- Plus another rant about too much assumed familiarity
- How capitalist markets deal with excess food vs. how socialist . . . oh wait
- Celebrating excesses: food, wine, and cheese beer?
- Moving to Nunavut with all of the other grumpy Past Masters
- The legacy of Jim "Libertarian" Burns
- And finally, what actually happened at Lodge this week
- Investment advice, just do the opposite of what we do
- Bruce does a producer thing and pulls Harlan off with the shepherd's crook
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