Episode 36
Murder & Treason
September 8th, 2014
1 hr 16 mins 7 secs
About this Episode
- It's an After Lodge Reunion!
- Jack joins us again
- Our Grand Lodge finds us out. Holding to ancient traditions, it turns out that corporal punishment is still a thing!
- An apology to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, for something?
- Jason knows seventeen (17) words that aren't on the FCC bad word list
- Topics this week from the "Murder and Treason" whiteboard
- Arson suspected in Douglasville lodge fire
- Details of a degree posted online by a legitimate body
- Facebook, Freemasonry, and Politics
- Why
do wedoes the Freemasonry Subreddit pick on the Shrine so often? - IRC Saturdays
- Harlan and Jason go to time-out
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
- Hang out with us on Reddit
- Find us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter @AfterLodge
- Leave us a voicemail at 215-792-3538
- Join us on IRC: irc.snoonet.org #freemasonry