Episode 40
The Big Visitation
October 6th, 2014
1 hr 17 mins 18 secs
About this Episode
- Harlan messes up Masonic Protocol (actually, so does Jason)
- Jason loves puppies
- Harlan continues to overcompensate - this time with a microphone stand
- Do synagogues really charge admission to High Holy Day services?
- Producer Bruce is with the Knights of Columbus?!
- Topics this week from: "The Profane Whiteboard"
- "Crying gets the sad out of you"
- Producer Bruce's cousins backs Jason up (Harlan will follow up with why they're both wrong next week)
- Harlen "gotz poo on his shirt!"
- The show is interrupted by the Most Worshipful Grand Master!
- After the break, Harlan continues alone
- Should we scrap the use of the word "profane"?
- Col. Brian (from Your Mom's Mailman) joins us for the second half
- Goats in Acacia trees . . . funny or not?
- Do we take the whole goat thing too far?
- Our lodge probably has a Warlock (the World of Warcraft kind, not the motorcycle kind)
- Happy anniversary to our Most Worshipful Prince Hall affiliated Brethren
- What misconceptions did you have before joining Freemasonry?
- The After Lodge Crew charters a new concordant body: The Billy Goat Riders
- Masonic Radio Theater - http://www.masonicradiotheatre.com/
- Does your Shrine have a bar?
- How do you talk to your kids about Freemasonry?
- Lodge politicians and election season
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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