Episode 76
Free & Accepted Carnies
June 15th, 2015
1 hr 15 mins 58 secs
About this Episode
- Introducing for the first time: Bro.^2 and Bro. Nipples
- We charter the Most Worshipful Harlan Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Carnies
- Our Lodge endangers the general public at a sizeable city fair . . . for charity, of course
- Right Worshipful Grant Landscaper Josh joins the carnival
- The Chaplain steals corn dogs to troll Jason
- Jason fights with high school kids on skateboards while Harlan studies them like zoo animals
- Harlan's daughter suckers vendors out of free stuff
- We discuss the merits of Special Deputies
- A conspiracy is hatched . . . there will be smores!
- An opinion poll by /u/The_Past_Master
- The Seventh Degree in the Netherlands
- It's the last night of being sleepless, sunburnt, and hungover . . . for charity - until two weeks from now
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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