Episode 109
Zionist . . . Crusaders?
February 1st, 2016
1 hr 28 mins 37 secs
About this Episode
- The After Lodge Illuminati plan to build a Zionist wall around Muslims . . . because Zionist!
- Harlan and the Chaplain attempt to cross-breed Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul
- Brother^2 sabotaged our chili cook off sabotage and made everyone sad
- Harlan, Bro. Chaplain, and Ass. Producer Marshall find ways to cheat anyways
- Skyline isn't chili - but it is delicious
- We discuss the Mason Dixon line of fast food chains
- FBI prevents a mass shooting in Wisconsin, the state incarcerating Steven Avery
- Official Statement from the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin
- The debate about firearms in/around Lodge is raised again
- What happens when you come to /r/afterlodge for nicer treatment than /r/freemasonry?
- Using the empty chair in the North for ritual?
- Freemasonry should stop attempting to justify our existence to the public - it's literally killing us!
- Harlan reveals his intimate knowledge of Taylor Swift lyrics
- Plugging podcasts through Grand Lodge
- The worst words you can hear from a newly Raised Brother
- Deep discussion concerning Jason's posterior and that of the Baboon
- Someone opens the monotheism vs. Christianity can again . . . Jason can't resist
- Brother^3 chimes in
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