Episode 247
Talking Cops
June 24th, 2020
2 hrs 15 mins 5 secs
About this Episode
- Harlan brings a super-sized bottle of bourbon so Ass. Producer Marshall shows up
- Tony shows up too; we should have gallon jugs of whiskey at every After Lodge
- The Angry Chaplain and his many costumes. His psychologist visits must be postponed due to COVID-19.
- Harlan misses the mark catching up on previously recorded episodes - again
- Tony gets shot during (or, at least at the same time as) local riots
- And then there was Doug . . . or Truman
- A segue for Agency Law
- Providing masks for Lodge visitors - Aprons are not an acceptable substitute!
- And right at the end (just kidding!), things take a more serious turn with some police funding debate
- Then the [recovering] cops take the floor for a long and in-depth discussion of modern issues in/with law enforcement
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