Episode 52
Possum Lockup
December 29th, 2014
1 hr 12 mins 39 secs
About this Episode
- Opening track: "Flying Over Water" by Jason Isbell
- Bro. Jack joins us after being gone for a while
- We have a critter in the ceiling tiles
- Harlan learns to play cricket . . . smugly
- The crew spends the holidays in county jail
- Jack quits the show
- What did the hosts get for Christmas?
- Harlan ordered an imaginary HDMI cable
- A word of advice for Internet Masons
- The Chaplain is still a master troll
- When is Saint John's Day, really? Harlan says on Sunday, Wikipedia says 12/27
- Some dummies in Texas want to charter an Anglo Saxon lodge (of which most of them aren't qualified to be members?)
- Colonel Brian tries to smoke out the critter in the ceiling
- Bills and minutes - should they be cut out of lodge communications?
- "If I could be the Masonic Ceasar for a day . . . "
- Matt returns, guess he never was really gone
- D.R.o.F. - really?
- Closing track: "San Francisco" by Lucredo
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