Episode 38
The Purple People Eaters
September 22nd, 2014
1 hr 23 mins 6 secs
About this Episode
- Thankfully, Right Worshipful Censor Bob doesn't know what "Brony Cast" means
- Bro. Chaplain can not only push Jason's buttons, but wires in new ones to press later
- Widows and Past Masters Banquet becomes the Past Masters Roast
- The wife of a candidate for our lodge wants to know why she can't join
- Shamless plugging of another show - Your Mom's Mail Man
- The Square and Compass waffle iron project is making progress
- Singular circumstance: A candidate being investigating has to be told "we're not all this young"
- /u/The_Past_Master tazing Jason may not be a joke, this is really happening
- /u/JCMasonSquared gifts the After Lodge Crew a large-breed dog shock collar and some profound words
- Grand Lodge overreach - by /u/TikiJack
- Handing out cards which brag about and invite others to join Freemasonry
- Poking the bears
- Move up nights - boon or bane?
- Who should confer the degrees of Freemasonry?
- The Progressive Line - friend or foe? Jason and Harlan clash again
- Lodges that nickel and dime unnecessarily . . . like ours
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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