Episode 57
The Golden Super Bowl
February 2nd, 2015
2 hrs 10 mins 19 secs
About this Episode
- Right Worshipful Grand Censor Bob is a Clown (because he is a Shriner . . . we think)
- Jason is called upon to fill two offices at once while visiting another lodge
- After Lodge Method of Lodge Success, Landmark No. 6: "If you feed them . . . they will come"
- The Chaplain crashes the show with a drone (actually, he mostly crashes the drone)
- Rev. Chaplain admits that he cheated during the Chili Cook Off, and shows off the Super Golden Bowl
- Lodge Chaplains are immune to prosecution for unmasonic conduct
- Is pretrial diversion an admission of guilt? Should it cause your removal from Freemasonry?
- Ramon/Ramey/Roman noodles . . . chicken flavor!
- Should you invite your Lodge brothers to your child's birthday party? Jason didn't
- Being an apendant body vulture: soliciting new members on the night of their raising
- Freemasonry becoming one's religion
- A Reddit Brother disagrees (he's wrong) on the Charlie Hebdo writers being good examples of Freemasonry
- Jason turns history into agency law
- How much money do you spend on Freemasonry?
- Jason and Harlan get into another tiffle (more than a tiff, not quite a kirfuffle) about lodge dues
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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