Episode 58
Templar Treasure
February 9th, 2015
1 hr 22 mins 6 secs
About this Episode
- Jack's back! Also, the Chaplain
- Quibbles over the studio equipment
- The Chaplain's creepy mic-breathing
- Droning (AKA Jack and The Chaplain are nerds)
- After Lodge dues talk spills over onto /r/freemasonry
- /u/The_Past_Master and his lodge care a little too much about Jason's regularity
- The big hub-bub meeting and After Lodge gaffes
- Topics this week from The 'Templar's Treasure' Whiteboard [chaplain approved!!]
- Product placement
- The After Lodge crew has played too many videogames
- What's the problem with candles?
- The crew as Simpson characters
- When is a brother not a brother
- Felonious freemasons?
- The Chaplain speaks too quickly too often
- Drone v2.0 makes an appearance
- HDTVs/internet and your lodge
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