Episode 62
The Past Master Comes to Town
March 10th, 2015
2 hrs 6 mins 10 secs
About this Episode
- /u/The_Past_Master shows up, and he really brought the Taser
- "Friend of the Show" Jack, along with The Chaplain, and Ass. Producer Marshall eagerly await Jason's tasing
- We're recording the After Lodge show after lodge, which is never a good idea.
- Our big M.M. Degree and jurisdictional differences (i.e. another one that's doing it wrong)
- /u/The_Past_Master makes us talk about dues . . . again.
- Jason reaches an all time low and emotionally destroys our Chaplain
- Is there someone who you would actually refuse to give a petition to?
- Why has Reddit been so full of reposts and whiners of late?
- How /u/The_Past_Master killed an innocent woodland creature
- Harlan runs out of paper for edit sheets
- Another huge thanks to /u/The_Past_Master from the After Lodge Crew for traveling so many miles to join us for the weekend
- Email us at afterlodge@gmail.com
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