Co-Host of The After Lodge Podcast
The "King 0f No Pants" is a regular figure in the /r/freemasonry subreddit and a longtime listener and stirrer of trouble.
Also smarter than Harlan in all the things.
Chuck has hosted 52 Episodes.
Episode 290: Lost in Translation
December 29th, 2021 | 1 hr 11 mins
Since Sean is back with us this week, celebrating his imminent retirement as Potentate, we commemorate our Noble Brethren in the best way we know how: by being clowns as we commemorate the end of 2021 this week, After Lodge
Episode 289: Amateurs
December 15th, 2021 | 1 hr 20 mins
This week kicks off on-brand as Chuck forgets to mute himself in the bathroom, like an amateur. The crew gets started and continues amateur armchair talks about everything from medicine, masonic law, podcast publication, cybersecurity, meteorology, cybersecurity, and Canadian geese. Pull up a chair, shut the door on real experts, and raise a glass with us this week After Lodge!
Episode 288: Masters-Elect
December 8th, 2021 | 1 hr 16 mins
Both Chuck and Jeff have been elected to be Masters of their respective Lodges . . . really, what is wrong with us?! The guys gather around the After Lodge table to ask that very question, and help our newly Worshipful brothers to continue smoothing their ashlars by busting them for them. The usual shenanigans, this week After Lodge!
Episode 287: Playing the Rites
November 17th, 2021 | 2 hrs 6 mins
No more than a week after Jeff is brought into the Scottish Rite, he was off having a fling with his ex for a Royal Arch degree. Fired up about it, Harlan seeks the counsel of the After Lodge crew, who instead describe scores more invitational York Rite bodies he's never heard of. Bro. Nick Johnson even makes a surprise visit to tell us about some more.
Episode 286: Special Delivery
November 3rd, 2021 | 1 hr 40 mins
Bruce was notably absent After Lodge this week, probably because he just received a very special package off of the milk truck. The rest of us make the best of it with how uneventful things have otherwise been since the last show.
Episode 285: Moving to Nunavut
October 6th, 2021 | 2 hrs 22 mins
Facebook was down this week, and it was a glorious few hours. We spend some time After Lodge discussing current happenings, and Harlan goes on not one, but three grumpy Past Master-ish rants about familiarity and civility, market systems, and conjures the memory of James Libertarian Burns, until Bruce has to put on his Producer hat and shut us down.
Episode 284: Truth and Reconciliation
September 29th, 2021 | 1 hr 5 mins
Everyone's back at it as more Masonic events begin to emerge from their pandemic hibernation, but the guys take some time to gather around the table this week, After Lodge and raise their glasses to join the Canadian in commemorating the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation before polishing off with a bag of political milk.
Episode 283: Pokémon Dues Cards
September 8th, 2021 | 1 hr 29 mins
Excited to tell us all about finally seeing his Brothers after 18 months, Chuck shows up After Lodge to find John already fired up about the "Call to Conclave" and we proceed to banter around the table about things most of us know nothing about, because that is how the magic happens.
Episode 282: Confederate Minnesotans
September 1st, 2021 | 1 hr 32 mins
Determined to make up for . . . whatever the last episode was, the gang came tonight ready to go--all over the place. From appendant body history, fun events, and "Masonic pearl clutching" to ridiculing the conspiracy nuts and Canadian geese, it was a great night After Lodge.
Episode 281: Not Quite There
August 25th, 2021 | 55 mins
After going "dark for the summer" in the last episode, the After Lodge Crew attempted to record the podcast as named, after various Lodge meetings. What follows is an example of why we don't actually do this After Lodge.
Episode 280: Dark for the Summer
August 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 51 mins
The After Lodge Crew is back at it after going dark for most of the summer for various and poor reasons, but things are just as though we never left. Pull up a chair and see for yourself, join us After Lodge!
Episode 279: Geographic Conspiracy
July 7th, 2021 | 1 hr 26 mins
Fresh from the big fair, the crew unwinds with tales of shenanigans, stolen cars, conspiracy theories, and testicuzzis this week After Lodge.